World Education Services (WES), a non-profit organization which will be celebrating 45 years’ experience and leadership in international education research and foreign credential evaluations in 2019, invites you to “Bringing Best-Fit International Students to Texas” a free, interactive, one-hour WebEx webinar exclusively for Study Texas members and their guests on Thursday, December 13th at 12pm CST.
This interactive presentation is specifically designed for all international admissions and student services staff and leaders to discuss the latest data, trends, and issues impacting international student mobility and strategic enrollment management at the bachelor’s and master’s levels.
Discussion/Presentation Topics:
Trends in global student mobility and a look at nationwide as well as Texas’s data from the upcoming 2018 IIE Open Doors report
Implications of WES research on the decision-making processes and satisfaction of international
students, plus a look at emerging markets for recruitmentBest practices for increasing institutional capacity to ensure sustainable enrollment growth
Contact admin(at) for more information on how to register for the webinar.