News — Study Texas

Study Texas Virtual Fair 2020 Connects With Over 300 Students from Around the World

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The Study Texas Virtual Fair 2020, which took place over the weekend, was a huge success! Over 300 students from across the globe - over 40 different nationalities registered - met with Study Texas member institutions for a morning of presentations and Q&A sessions.

Participating university reps said that they had many meaningful conversations with students, and students expressed their satisfaction with having time to ask college reps all their questions. Twenty-six Study Texas members participated in the 3 hour virtual fair, which was conducted entirely on Zoom. Institutions were able to showcase their campuses and programs via a mix of live and recorded presentations, along with an open house-style question & answer session at the end.

The Study Texas board offered the virtual recruitment event this year, because recruitment travel trips are not possible during the COVID pandemic. And, because it is looking like the spring recruitment travel season will be similarly affected, Study Texas will offer another virtual college fair again in the spring. Watch this space - details to come!

Study Texas treasurer Shannon Bedo wins NAFSA award!

We are thrilled to announce that our very own Shannon Bedo (Houston Baptist University) was named NAFSA’s 2020 Advocate of the Year. Shannon is our treasurer and an active member of the board.

From the NAFSA website: “The Advocate of the Year award recognizes a member of the NAFSA community who embodies the spirit of advocacy and serves as an inspiration to others to make a difference by engaging elected officials in advocacy discussions. This year’s Advocate of the Year, Shannon Bedo, has demonstrated repeatedly the commitment, tenacity, and passion that exemplify an advocacy leader.”

We are really proud of her and we hope you will join us in congratulating her.

Read the NAFSA announcement here.


Study Texas Conference!

We are pleased to announce that the first annual Study Texas Conference will be held at Prairie View A&M University on Friday 24 April, 2020. The conference will focus on international admissions/international student recruitment and international enrollment management. Join us for a fantastic opportunity to network with colleagues in the field from across the state of Texas, share best practices and learn from each other.

Find more information on the conference webpage.

We hope to see you there! Please email admin{at} with any questions.

Please use this link to register for the conference.

Please use this link to submit a session proposal.

Study Texas session at NAFSA Texas State Meeting


Study Texas board members Justin Ball and Jessica Guiver will be presenting a session “Competitive Collaboration: Working Together to Recruit as a Consortium” at the NAFSA Texas State Meeting on Friday 28 February. The Texas State Meeting will be held at Texas A&M University in College Station.

If you are planning on attending the meeting, stop by and say Hi! We’d love to meet you and let you know about our upcoming activities.

Study Texas recruitment trip to Mexico

Seven Study Texas institutions spent a week in Mexico visiting prospective students and their parents in Monterrey, Guadalajara and Mexico City. We were warmly welcomed in all three cities and enjoyed working with EducationUSA and the US Commercial Service in Mexico, who assisted in organizing the trip.

Jessica Guiver, chair of the Study Texas board and director of international undergraduate admissions at UTSA, said, “It was a wonderful opportunity to meet students and parents face-to-face and build those important relationships. Everyone who participated found it to be a great experience, and we can’t wait for the next Study Texas recruitment trip!”

Study Texas Breakfast at NAFSA 2019

The Study Texas breakfast at the NAFSA annual conference was a hit! We had around 50 partners and supporters join us for breakfast on Tuesday 28 May in Washington DC. It poured with rain, which meant that our glorious rooftop location had to be quickly re-arranged, but in the end we pulled it off. Everyone enjoyed a delicious breakfast and heard the latest Study Texas news.

Study Texas at the NAFSA Annual Conference, Washington DC

Members of Study Texas attended the NAFSA Annual Conference in Washington DC, 27-31 May. We exhibited alongside 11 other study state consortia under the US Commercial Service pavilion, and we promoted Texas as the premier study destination for international students and scholars. We had a great turnout and connected with over 100 potential partners. We were giving away Texas cowboy hats and Texas chili, which made the Study Texas table a popular spot in the Expo Hall!

Study Texas Chair visits China

Dr. Evie Myers traveled to China this month to promote Study Texas and further opportunities for our members to engage with Chinese institutions and students. Dr. Myers gave a keynote speech at the China-foreign Cooperation Program Forum regarding the theme of "Opportunities and Challenges of China-US University Cooperation’. The conference was held in Zaozhuang, Shandong Provice and took place on 16-17 November. It was hosted by the National Center for Schooling Development Programme and supported by both the Shandong Provincial Education Department and Zaozhuang University. The theme of this conference was to explore how to promote the innovation and upgrading of the Industry-education Integration Model. While at the conference, Dr. Myers signed an MOU on behalf of Study Texas with Global Advanced Technical Education (GATE).

For more information, please email

Study Texas Members at NAFSA Region III Conference

Dr. Evie Myers, Study Texas board chair, is at the NAFSA Region III conference in Little Rock, AK. Dr. Myers is busy meeting with current Study Texas members, as well as driving new membership commitments. Let us know if you have any questions!

The Everest Education Fund

Study Texas supports the efforts of the Everest Education Fund. The Fund aims to provide financial support to high achieving, high impact, and high need students who wish to access higher education abroad. Everest Education Fund believes that #onesmallthing can make a huge impact. One student accessing higher education abroad can positively affect an entire community.

If you would like to support their efforts and contribute to the fund, please visit their website at


Upcoming Webinar: Bringing Best-Fit International Students to Texas

World Education Services (WES), a non-profit organization which will be celebrating 45 years’ experience and leadership in international education research and foreign credential evaluations in 2019, invites you to “Bringing Best-Fit International Students to Texas” a free, interactive, one-hour WebEx webinar exclusively for Study Texas members and their guests on Thursday, December 13th at 12pm CST.
This interactive presentation is specifically designed for all international admissions and student services staff and leaders to discuss the latest data, trends, and issues impacting international student mobility and strategic enrollment management at the bachelor’s and master’s levels.

Discussion/Presentation Topics:

  • Trends in global student mobility and a look at nationwide as well as Texas’s data from the upcoming 2018 IIE Open Doors report

  • Implications of WES research on the decision-making processes and satisfaction of international
    students, plus a look at emerging markets for recruitment

  • Best practices for increasing institutional capacity to ensure sustainable enrollment growth

Contact admin(at) for more information on how to register for the webinar.

US-India Knowledge Exchange Roadshow in Houston

On September 19, approximately fifty representatives from higher education across Texas, business leaders in Houston and members of the Embassy of India met at the Consulate General of India in Houston to discuss higher education reform in India and cross-border collaboration. Several members of Study Texas institutions were in attendance and all enjoyed the lively discussion the workshop generated. We discussed ways in which Texas institutions can become more involved in higher education in India with opportunities in research, exchange and recruitment.

After the sessions, everyone enjoyed a delicious buffet of Indian cuisine and a chance to chat.


Study Texas Breakfast at NAFSA 2018

Study Texas hosted a breakfast event at the NAFSA Annual Conference, which was held in Philadelphia at the end of May this year. Over 40 international education enthusiasts joined representatives from Texas colleges and universities for a delicious breakfast before a busy day at the NAFSA conference. Guests included EducationUSA advisors from around the globe and colleagues from international institutional partners.

We look forward to hosting another breakfast next year at NAFSA 2019. Hope to see you there!

International Student Marketing and Recruitment


Dear Colleagues, 

Study Texas is pleased to announce our collaboration with ICEF to bring you a webinar on: International Student Marketing and Recruitment.

Date: Tuesday, April 17th, 2018
Time: 12pm-1pm CST
Format: In person or virtual
Cost: Non-paid
Location: Texas State University, Office of International Affairs:
Thornton International House, 344 W. Woods Street, San Marcos, TX 78676

ICEF has more than 25 years experience in international student recruitment. We work with educators to help them create strategies to effectively attract and retain international students. This session will examine how to best position your institution and make sure international students are finding the right information about you at the right time.

 We will look at:

  • Social media, communication strategies, and creating brand ambassadors
  • A holistic approach, outlining a multi-channel marketing strategy to brand both your destination and institution
  • Key strategies to increase your brand’s reach and ensure that student interaction with your brand is positive
  • Ways to make sure the information students want can be easily and comfortably found


Mike Henniger, Vice-President, Sales and Marketing, ICEF
Rachel Durcan, Business Development Manager, USA, ICEF

Register Here > 

US Study consortia to lobby US Department of Commerce

Author: Claudia Civinini

A group of US study state consortia are lobbying the US Department of Commerce to maintain its services to education amid ‘warning signs’ that the support of education as a service export is no longer going to be part of the mandate for the US Commercial Service.

n a letter seen by The PIE News, the group highlighted the successes of the US international education industry, which it said are in large proportion attributable to the support of the department.

The letter, drafted by Study California and co-signed by other study state consortia, asked the department to continue supporting vital services for the international education industry such as market research and outreach, the US Pavillion at NAFSA and planning for events abroad and in the US.

“It’s just sent a bit of a shiver through the industry”

The other signatories to the letter were Study Hawaii, Study Massachusetts, Study Minnesota, Study New York, Study Oregon and Study Texas.

Visit The Pie News to read more.

Study Texas Mission to Mexico October 12-20, 2017

Study Texas, in cooperation with Education USA and the Mexico College Fair Tour, is pleased to offer its members an opportunity to recruit international students in Mexico.  Registration for Education USA: US-Mexico Academic Mobility Fair segments are open at, and registration for the Mexico College Fair events is open at  

The mission will begin at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 12th with a Study Texas Networking Reception to meet education agents, guidance counselors, media, and colleagues.  

The host hotel is the J.W. Marriott, where Study Texas members will receive a discounted government rate via the U.S. Commercial Service.  Study Texas will provide designated bus transportation on October 14th for its members given that day’s hectic schedule; each other day will have transportation provided by event sponsor.  

Please contact and with any questions regarding this Study Texas Mission to Mexico. 


Study Texas Agenda (note hyperlinks to each fair below)


Thursday, October 12 (Mexico City)

6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Study Texas Networking Reception, near J.W. Marriott


Friday, October 13 (Mexico City)

8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Education USA breakfast and school visits

4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Eton School Recruitment Fair, $60 (OPTIONAL – will require a late night) 


Saturday, October 14 (Mexico City)

9:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. American School Foundation College Fair $250

5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Education USA: US-Mexico Academic Mobility Fair, $500

8:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.  College Fair Cocktail Reception. Location:  El Bajío


Sunday, October 15 (Mexico City)

8:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Escuela Tomás Alva Edison Recruitment Fair $0


Monday, October 16 (Puebla)

Education USA: US-Mexico Academic Mobility Fair, $500


Tuesday, October 17

free day 


Wednesday, October 18 (Queretaro)

Education USA: US-Mexico Academic Mobility Fair, $500


Thursday, October 19

free day 


Friday, October 20 (Merida)

Education USA: US-Mexico Academic Mobility Fair, $500



Optional Schedule for Conference

An optional agenda available to interested members separates from the main group beginning Monday, October 16th traveling to San Miguel for a Partners of America, Higher Education Partnership Conference, and FPP Student Fair.  


Monday, October 16

Travel day to San Miguel

Tuesday, October 17-19 (San Miguel)

Partners of America, Higher Education Partnership Conference, $645

Thursday, October 20 (San Miguel)

Partners of America, FPP Student Fair, $350